Tomorrow’s Workplace After Pandemic Webinar
“Arkadia Works talk about workplace strategy in facing the pandemic crisis in the workplace, which affect and change the way people work in daily life”, May 11, 2020

COVID-19 has changed almost all aspects of our lives, including how we work. We have to adapt to the changes and facing this pandemic by prioritizing a hygiene and safety work culture.
Designers need to rethink what design strategy could be applied in the office during this pandemic, to prevent the spread of disease among employees. How the office design would be?
In collaboration with Arkadia Works, Vinoti Office held a webinar entitled “Tomorrow’s Workplace After Pandemic”, Monday, (11/05/2020). We discussed how office design & daily work life would adapt during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Presented by Wiza Hidayat (CEO Arkadia Works), and Adrian Renaldo (Senior Designer Arkadia Works) as the main speakers, the webinar went very exciting. The topic discussed about the approach on leadership, prevention, workplace design, and technology that used in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the materials were presented based on our expertise.
As the Senior Designer of Arkadia Works, Adrian Renaldo explained that during this pandemic, at least there would be two strategy that we have to apply in the workplace: “Needs of Space” and “Needs of Protection”. Companies should provide those two main things, as more space between the employees and protection to employees will make safer working environment.
The audiences who attended this event including stakeholders in the real estate business such as designers, constructors, government, tenants, real estate professionals, and material suppliers. A high enthusiasm was seen from many questions we received in this webinar. The total audience reached more than 100 participants.
“History proves that one of the advantages of human kind is the ability to adapt to changes. We will win against this COVID-19 war by adapting changes in our daily work lives”, mentioned by Mr Wiza Hidayat as the closing statement.
Special thanks to Mr Jacky Kurniawan as the moderator from Vinoti Office; also Annisa Paramadina, Iqro Eksahuman Juang, and Fahmi Adi Cahya as the research member; and all of the participants in this webinar.
We hope that our presentation can inspire more people in performing strategy to make a safer workplace. Therefore, we share our presentation and it can be downloaded by clicking the following link here.
And you can click here to see the presentation video.