
Save Our Planet, Save our Future!

Continuing the campaign #OneDeskOneTres and after successfully planting thousands of trees in various regions in Indonesia such as Semarang, Demak, Banjarmasin, and Yogyakarta. This year, Arkadia Works, Ecobuild, and The Institution of Engineers Indonesia planted mangrove trees in Sederhana Beach Village, Muara Gembong, Bekasi.

Muara Gembong is one of the areas affected by tidal flood and abrasion in Bekasi. With an area of abrasion reaching 2,463.3 Ha and changes in the coastline that occur, mangrove planting is an effective solution in response to this environmental challenge.

Aligning with the commitment to the preservation of our planet and also celebrating the Indonesia Tree Planting Day. Arkadia Works, Ecobuild and The Institution of Engineers Indonesia collaborated with Maju Bersama Farmers Group to plant more than 1000 mangroves in Muara Gembong.

“One Desk One Tree” is an initiative program from Arkadia Works, which is planting one tree for every desk produced from Arkadia Works projects as a form of preservation of our planet.

Happy Indonesia Tree Planting Day! Save our Planet, Save our Future!

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