
Gender Equality in Arkadia Works

These days, women commonly take their part in various sectors such as social, political, and economic in contributing to national development. The pros and cons come up with the gender equality issue, where women and men have the same rights and responsibilities. This issue is still often talked about in society, especially in the working environment.

As women successfully give contributions in many sectors, companies can also take the values of women’s potential and representation through their role, including Arkadia Works which entrusts women to take the rights and responsibilities to develop their potential in their fields.
Arkadia Works believes that work quality can’t be defined by gender itself, but by the best

According to one of Arkadia Works’ core values, “Environmentally Friendly, Healthy, and Safely Operated”, Arkadia Works is not only providing the best service to the client but also building a safe and healthy working environment for the employees.

Arkadia Works applied violation prevention and ensures there is no sexual harassment in the office. Collaborations with external parties such as the government and education platforms to support gender equality and women empowerment are conducted. On the other side, Arkadia Works allows maternity and parental leave to fulfill employee rights in the family.

Happy International Women’s Day!

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