Delivered by Arkadia Works, Premier Oil Booth got 1st Runner up at the Booth Contest of IPA Convex 2018.
“Premier Oil Booth got 1st runner up at the best booth competition at Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention & Exhibition”

42nd Indonesian Petroleum Association Convention and Exhibition (IPA Convex) 2018 was held in Jakarta, on May 2nd – 4th 2018. “Driving Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Global Competitiveness” was the theme chosen by the consideration of the current condition of the tight competition for oil and gas investments globally.
As one of participants, Premier Oil Indonesia trusting Arkadia Works to design and build their booth. A modern and sleek design was built to increase public awareness about Premier Oil Indonesia and maintain a good relationship with stakeholders. The design was equipped with high-tech and seamless concept to make a more sophisticated booth.
There were several competitions at IPA Convex 2018 such as Best Booth contest, IPA Voice, and PetroChallenge. Among all those contests, Premier Oil Booth got 1st runner up at the booth contest.
It was such an honor to be part of the team to design and build Premier Oil Booth. Wish the design could inspire others and could deliver the messages from Premier Oil for everyone who visits the booth.