Arkadia Works Holds Employee Recognition at Iftar Event with Arkadians!
Celebrating the holy month of Ramadan on April 13th 2023, Arkadia Works held an Iftar event and also hosted their annual Employee Recognition for Arkadians who give their best contribution in the Arkadia Works team.
The recognitions awarded to the Arkadians including, 5 Years of Service (Linda Puspita & Ayu Murhadiningtyas), 5 Star Employees (Refina Azanna, Nenda Minerva, Aminah Inoue, Nur Shabrina Zulfa, Yaasmiin Lathiifahningasih, Besar Andriansyah, and M Reza Pahruroji), Best HSE Award (Toni Hamdani), Best Project Manager (Refina Azanna), Best Interior Designer (Nur Shabrina Zulfa), Best Site Supervisor (Besar Andriansyah), Best ME Engineer (M Reza Pahruroji). And also The Winner of Earth Hour photo Competition (Linda Puspita).
These recognitions aim to encourage the Arkadians to give their best in making the great workplaces to work!