“As one of Arkadia Works’s commitment to bring positive impacts, Arkadia Works for Education is back to support Architecture and Interior Design students in Indonesia.”
Three students from various universities have been selected to receive this living cost scholarship. Arkadia Works also offers the extension of scholarships for the students who maintain their accomplishments in the next semester.
Meet Dwitri, Leyla, and Dian Ani, the students who received the scholarship for the 2021 program.

Dwitri Zyahrani Herawan is an Architecture student, at Bandung Institute of Technolgy (ITB). She’s is actively involved in many of the campus activities such as IMA-G ITB April Graduation Ceremony 2021 as Staff of the Inauguration Event, Echo Bandung 2020 as Business Fund Staff, IMA-G ITB October Graduation Ceremony 2021 as Event Staff of ITB Architecture Study Program, and Contemplation – ITB Architecture Student Exhibition 2019 as Marketing Staff.
Dwitri is a hard-working student that always improves herself to achieve her dream of becoming an architect, also to make her parents proud, and be impactful for the nation.

Leyla Fahnissa Aurelia, a student majoring in Architecture at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).
She is involved in various campus activities such as Pre-Basic Level LKMM participants 2017 & 2018, City Village Footprint Research Assistants 2019, Participants of the Critical Context Workshop 2019, and Conceptor for the ArchProject Talkshow 2020.
Aurel is also active in her community, she is one of the teachers for an underprivileged kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school. Even so, she still proves her achievements on campus with a GPA above 3.50.
After university, she dreams to work at an Architecture company, continue her study abroad, become a content creator, writer, and still being involved in teaching activities.

Ni Wayan Dian Ani is a student of Architecture at Tadulako University, Palu, Central Sulawesi. She is actively involved in community development activities on campus.
Since she was in elementary school, Dian Ani has achieved rank in class, until now she has a GPA of 3.81. On the other side, she was also participating in several competitions such as MC competition, POS Lantas, Workshop Robotic for Student, etc.
She hopes to be successful, make her parents proud, and prove that she can study well for those who doubted her.
Through this program, Arkadia Works is doing its part to give a chance for equal education access to Indonesian students and will continue this program for years to come.