
Concentrix Office: Tales Of Batik Achieves Greenship Certification with Platinum Credential

Arkadia Works are proudly announced that one of their works, Concentrix Office in Yogyakarta, just
received a Greenship Interior Space Certification with PLATINUM level (the highest credential) from
Green Building Council Indonesia, and became the first BPO’s office that received this certification in

On Thursday, 16th December 2021, Concentrix held a ceremony for the certificate handover from Mr
Iwan Prijanto as Chairman of Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) presented the Greenship Platinum
Certification to Mr. Showmick Sinha as Director of Concentrix Indonesia. This moment are celebrated at
Lippo Plaza Jogja, Yogyakarta.

Collaborating with Arkadia Works, the Concentrix Yogyakarta office is designed with a green building
concept by applying reused & recycled materials, energy efficiency, and digital green invention to create
an eco-friendly office.

Concentrix has fulfilled the requirements of an eco-friendly office according to Green Building Council
Indonesia (GBCI) with the total point of 80, in the aspects of Appropriate Site Development (ASD), Energy
Efficiency & Conservation (EEC), Water Conservation (WAC), Material Resources & Cycle (MRC), Indoor
Health & Comfort (IHC), Building Environment Management (BEM).

The ceremony was also followed by knowledge sharing session with Talk Show titled “Delivering
Sustainable Interior Space for Our Future” with the speakers Iwan Prijanto – Chairman GBCI, Showmick
Sinha – Director Concentrix, Daud Tjondrorahardja – IAI Yogyakarta, Wiza Hidayat – CEO Arkadia Works,
and Trisno Dachi as the moderator.

As the final agenda, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted for the grand opening of Concentrix new

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